Thank you yea. ♥ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
One of the rules is to share seven facts about myself.
The thing is, I've just done a tag game from Mizarwen. Luckily her '4 Things Tag' also have seven questions to answer.
The rules
1. Name the person who tagged you
2. You need to have 4 answers at every question
3. Tag 4 other bloggers Im tagging anyone who's interested
4. Let them know you tagged them
1. Four things in my bag/purse:
(1) Domo pencil case
(2) Chocolate bar
(3) My railway card
(4) My flat key
2. Four things I found in my office desk drawer:
(I didn't see the 'drawer' bit! ╭(◉Д◉;)╮So these are things around my study desk)
(I didn't see the 'drawer' bit! ╭(◉Д◉;)╮So these are things around my study desk)
1) Ipod/Iphone speaker + digital alarm clock
2) Nail polish set
3) A Heidi wind up musical doll my best friend gave me last year
4) Printer/Scanner
3. Four favourite things in my room:
1) Warm Totoro blankie
2) Accessories hanger
3) The wall
4) My nescafe mug
4. Four things I've always wanted to do:
5. Four things I'm currently into:
1) Online shopping. (All the stuffs I wore were bought online)
2) Chuck!
3) Toriko. (read manga here)
A great gourmet manga I just finished reading today.
4) Downloading and reading manga
(it's has always been my hobby anyway)
6. Four things I bet you didn't know about me:
1) I really love HORROR manga, especially the ones by Junji Ito
2) Every Wednesday, I help my friend teaching his Japanese class
3) My favourite guy is Koike Teppei
4) I hate waiting for (and missing) the bus
7. Four songs i can't get out of my head:
1) Just the Way You Are - Bruno Mars
2) Kimi ga Iru Kara (Final Fantasy XIII Theme) - Sugawara Sayuri
3) Waiting for the End - Linkin Park
4) The Prayer - Celine Dion and Josh Groban