Friday, July 22, 2011

tattoo taek a nake

Jesus is OVER IT

Jesus is OVER It

You know it’s a problem when even Jesus “Judge not, lest ye be judged” Christ is rolling his eyes at your tattoo.


Attacked by a Tiger Wielding a Tattoo Machine


Dammit, Bobby!

Lead Singer of the Skeletones

Oh, are we getting our shortcomings (ahem) tattooed onto our bodies now? Okay . . . Where does one put an “I’m wearing yesterday’s underwear because I haven’t done laundry in seven weeks” tattoo? Asking for a friend.

Fire Thighs? Lit Joints? Burning Muscles?

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Jesus is OVER IT
Attacked by a Tiger . . . Wielding a Tattoo Machine

How to Scare Away a Millionaire (and Everyone Else)