Monday, July 11, 2011

NEW INITIATIVE: Digital Series presents FILM CLUB

I can't sit still and quite excited about this new little initiative that myself, and my band of merry die-hard filmmaker pals (*shall launch their names soon) are spending our Saturday afternoons and nights. Think of a group of indie filmmakers, loads of passion, inquisition and "action" mode attitudes, getting together, eating popcorn and drinking soda and spoiling ourselves with some old shool hidden gem film delights. So far, we've seen Woo Ping's True Legends, David Lynch's Mulholland Drive, John Landis's An American Werewolf in London to name a few. Shout out to Community First Step (CFS), especially Ranna Peera for lending us the space for our weekly meetings and we can't wait to launch our initiative on the 30 July at the Powerhouse Youth Theatre.

In the meantime, if you are from Western Sydney, got films that you want expose + have a 30 sec pitch on yourself and want to be featured at the FILM CLUB SHOWDOWN Event, email asap! Our closing date is in a couple of days, 15th Friday, 2011.