Guess what everyone?
She said she's fine, same goes to her family and her cats!
I was told that her house is on a hill, so it was out of reach ╭(⫪∀⫪;)╮there's no water and electricity at the moment though.
Thank you for replying my email Nao ╭(⫪∀⫪;)╮ I'm so glad!
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But....╭(◉Д◉;)╮I missed my class anyway! No no, not that I thought my class was cancelled too. I actually got mixed up with my time schedule.
The final session just started this week btw.
So what have I been doing all day?
It's been a very long time since called and chatted with my old time buddies.
I remember those days when I used to spend hours and hours on the phone talking to my friends, guess I have become quite independent nowadays.
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*please ignore my English*
Actually there's too many things in my mind.
My paranoia and negativeness have caused a great stress that leads abdominal pains.
At times like these,
you need those people who knows you best,
those people who knows your real life story.
I could still feel the pain when I woke up this morning.
Thank god Faridah was free to listen, and it works, she made me feel so much better afterwards. Thank you.
I am not the type of person who can keep her things to her self.
Yet it's a VERY bad idea to let it go to the wrong person (which, by the way, I did)
I have a problem of being too honest, too friendly to everyone and trusting people so easily :(
I should learn to choose my friends I can express my feelings to..... But it's so darn HARD!
Truth is, there's nothing about me my close friends don't know.
Why Im freakin' stress now is because I'm not used to keeping the painful thought all by myself. Yet, I get so busy with uni work not wanting to waste time.
Jeri? Lol. Of course I talked to him about it :P but he always give me a reality slap instead, T,T Sigh, I know he's just saying the truth, but sometimes you need some words of comfort even though it not true.
Kitani perempuan melayu kan, sentiasa memerlukan kata-kata yang menyamankan ati.
Like when a fucking ugly girl asked "Am I really fucking ugly?", then the other person should say "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? YOU'RE FUCKING BEAUTIFUL."
END (before it get worst)
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I feel rather tomboy-ish today...
*sorry, it's blurry, photo was taken with laptop*